
| ingenuity |

| Investments & Enterprise |

Strategies and fresh ideas for your Business (creativity). We help you create or enhance your space to brainstorm, strategize, plan, or to simply facilitate a place to think-out-loud with your team as it embarks on new ventures.


The goal is to achieve results as a Team. To have a clearly defined path forward where all the questions have been asked and where we all know and understand that path because is developed together and The Team Owns It.

”A vision for Teams working in parallel technical integration focused on continuous innovation.

| Dynamic Teams of Complementary Roles |

Idea bank: When a new project or solution is needed for an ongoing one we get together for a day or a few weeks to generate together as many ideas as possible toward finding the solution or to develop a plan for the project. We can work project together or simply kick start the project with you to motivate your team to get them started.

"You can ask anything..." Team sessions: Sometimes Teams just need a fresh look from someone on the outside to facilitate a space where we explore what our project goals are? why we are doing what we do?, and how we are doing it? or other questions. The session(s) can simply be a day for all in the team to ask any questions members may have in a safe place to ask anything about the project and the dynamics of the team working it.

Additional Working Sessions Huddle Opportunities\Ideas

1. Ad hoc Pitch test sessions (informal).

2. On-demand outside peer reviews and brainstorming session (one day to a few weeks).

3. Unbiased feedback sessions on any topic or idea.

4. Idea generation & think tank for solutions.

5. Other... (ideas from The Team).

Investments & Enterprise

| Innovators - Entrepreneurs |

Investments on Innovation and Service for the Future

1. Investing on innovative ideas, creative business opportunities, and alliances.

2. Work with SME's (subject matter experts) & Entrepreneurs to start-up their companies for future Alliances.

BIG Ideas:

  • Do you have an innovative idea?

  • Need help with your Start-up?

Continuous Creativity and Innovation

"Creativity is everywhere, We just have to look for It! Creativity, innovation, and continuous evolution is what keeps us relevant..."